Course Development Process


The course development phase for all distance learning courses follows a specific process, including a peer review. The focus of the course development and peer review process is directed toward course alignment of objectives, assessments, and learning activities, as well as course structure, navigation, interactivity, accessibility, and other items relevant to the successful delivery of the course.

Course Development Process

1)  Once appropriate paperwork has been completed for course development, an Instructional Technologist will be assigned to work with the course developer.

2)  The course developer and Instructional Technologist work together to accomplish the following objectives during the course development process:

    • Establish a timeline for course development
    • Acquire the necessary technological and pedagogical training
    • Incorporate sound instructional design principles, based on Quality Matters Standards.
    • Evaluate and edit course content
    • Complete the “Pensacola State College Course Development Support Checklist”

Peer Review Process

1) The assigned Instructional Technologist will form a Peer Review Team. In addition to the course developer and the assigned Instructional Technologist, the Peer Review Team will consist of three PSC instructors with a proven record of successful online instruction.

Peer Review Team Objectives

    • To examine course via student-level access
    • Evaluate course orientation and navigation components
    • Ensure course elements align with “PSC/Quality Matters Guidelines”
    • Make suggestions or recommendations for improvement

2)  Upon successful completion of the peer review process, the Instructional Technologist will submit an “Approved to Offer” recommendation to the Dean, Baccalaureate Studies and Academic Support.