Preparing to Conclude a Term
This page provides a list of things all instructors using Canvas need to consider prior to the end each term. If you have difficulty please submit an eLearning Support Request form.
Incompletes: Students receiving an Incomplete in eRoster will be readmitted to their Canvas course following a short period during which Incompletes are processed. When entering the “extend to” date in eRoster, be aware that Incompletes are processed in Canvas the next business day following the deadline to submit grades. On this processing day, or the days prior to the processing, do not schedule anything for students in your Canvas course. Note: Students should not be allowed to complete any coursework in Canvas beyond the last day of the semester without the assignment of an Incomplete.
Final Assignments: Please make sure due dates for all assignments, quizzes, etc., are set to close by the last day of the semester. This includes final exams.
Grade Book: After all grades have been entered, download/export a copy of your course grade book to your computer. This is an important safety measure to ensure continued access to this information should the system ever fail. An Export can be done by going to the Grades section of your course, clicking the Actions menu, and then the Export button.